Monday, September 14, 2015

Eastern Sierra Fall Colors & Ancient Bristlecone Pines – Photography Workshop

Fall Colors Eastern Sierra

Eastern Sierra Fall Colors
and the
Ancient Bristlecone Pines & Alabama Hills 

Space still available!
October 4th - 9th, 2015

My most popular photography workshop is the eastern Sierra and the Bristlecone Pine Forest in the White Mountains. Join me as we explore the wonderful autumn colors and the surreal landscape of the White Mountains. The rich yellow gold of the aspen trees, the iridescent fire yellow of the cottonwoods and the mysterious astronomical images of the Milky Way in the night sky will intrigue and excite your photographic quest.

We'll also explore the canyons, lakes and meadows on the eastern side of Yosemite National Park. Including Mono Lake, the June Lake Loop, Conway Summit, Lundy Canyon, Lee Vining Canyon, Bloody Canyon and other great scenic locations.
We will then head south to the White Mountains where we will visit the Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest. Believed to be the oldest trees on earth, some well over 4000 years old the bristlecones are fascinating in their gnarled shapes and story of survival. At over 11,000 feet elevation, the terrain is so hostile to these trees that they may grow only one leaf in a season! It has been said that if the moon had tress, this is what it would look like. We will finish with a sunrise shoot in the Alabama Hills. Famous as the premier location for old western movies with its unusual terrain of boulders and rock arches at the base of Lone Pine peak and Mount Whitney, photo opportunities abound.
Catering to small groups of up to six participants, I will challenge you to see things in a different way and help you capture stunning images.

Enhance your skills in your artful photographic evolution!
Five-nights lodging included - King or double Queen rooms.
* If you would like to bring a non-participant friend or "significant other" to share your room, you are more than welcome. We will be based out of Mammoth California where many recreational opportunities are available.
**If you wish to provide for your own lodging or have any questions please do not hesitate to ask. Simply contact me
Workshop participants are responsible for transportation to and from this workshop. During the workshop we will carpool as much as possible.
Each participant will be responsible for their own meals. We will stop so that everyone can stock up on sandwiches, drinks, snacks, etc.
$1395 per person including lodging - King or double Queen rooms.
$900 Lodging not included 

More info...gear and other stuff: Click Here
NOTE: Although my workshops are not physically demanding, participants should be healthy and mobile enough to walk ata leisurely pace off pavement for some distance (usually less than 1 mile). This workshop will cover elevations between 4,000 and 11,000 feet.
"If you want to rent gear - may I suggest"

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